Thursday, October 9, 2014

Two Country Singers Message to Islamic State terrorists

Two Country Singers Larry Gatlin and Billy Dean

Just Wrote a Song With a Bold Message for Terrorists

“Dear worthless, gutless cowards you say I must convert or die.”

That’s the opening line to a new country song by country music songwriting stars Larry Gatlin and Billy Dean. It’s an unapologetic salvo aimed right at the Islamic State terrorists. And “aimed” is an even more appropriate descriptor once you hear the title of the song: “An American with a Remington.”

“One thing [Johnny] Cash did say to me long ago was, ‘Pilgrim, if something makes you mad enough boy, you’ll damn sure write a song about it,’” Gatlin wrote in an op-ed explaining the impetus for the song. “Well, [Johnny], Billy and I are mad as hell about those cowardly, beheading bastards, so we did just that!!”

“The response has been unbelievable — more than 15 million hits and thousands of ‘hurrahs’ from like-minded Americans — in only five days,” Gatlin added. Full story here

You're not the first to try and Kill Me


Ps from Larry Gatlin : I can "Shoot a Cork out of a Pigs Butt at 300 Yards"

Ps from Billy Dean : You can bring it over here and find out

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Black Canyon Biker

A man decided that he was going to ride a 10-speed bike from Phoenix to Flagstaff. He got as far as Black Canyon City before the mountains just became too much and he could go no farther.

He stuck his thumb out, but after 3 hours he hadn't gotten a single person to stop. Finally a guy in a Corvette pulled over and offered him a ride. Of course, the bike wouldn't fit in the car. The owner of the Corvette found a piece of rope lying by the highway and tied it to his bumper. He tied the other end to the bike and told the man that if he got to going too fast to honk the horn on his bike and he would slow down. Everything went fine for the first 30 miles. Suddenly, another Corvette blew past them. Not to be outdone, the Corvette pulling the bike took off after the other.

A short distance down the road, the Corvettes--both going well over 120 mph--blew through a speed trap. 

The police officer noted the speeds from his radar gun and radioed to the other officer that he had 2 Corvettes headed his way at over 120 mph. 

He then relayed, "And you're not going to believe this, but there's guy on a 10-speed bike honking to pass."

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Good old adage replaced

Good old adage: Watch your Back 

has been replaced in the 21st Century with

... 21st C ... 
Watch out for your Neck

Acknowledgement  Thanks to AG in AU

Monday, September 22, 2014

Critique to kill for

Theres always One 

Building Permits

My Building Permit Application: 

Some have asked what I've been doing in retirement.
Well, I applied for a building permit for a new house.
It was going to be 100 ft tall and 400 ft wide,
with 12 gun turrets at various heights, and windows
all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system.
It would have parking for 200 cars, and I was going to paint it
snot green with pink trim.

The City Council told me: Its a Fortress 

“Forget it...AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!”

So, I made some slight changes reapplied and ..... 

This time I sent in the application again, but this time I called it a "Mosque."

Work starts on Monday.

And here is the best part, it's going to be tax exempt!

I love this country.

It’s the government that scares me.

Acknowledgement: we thank RN in NZ

Saturday, September 20, 2014



Antiguan man an illegal alien, in Polk County, Florida, who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop, ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A statewide manhunt ensued. 

The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area.  As soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him. They hit the guy 68 times.

Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had to shoot the poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times.

Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: "Because that's all the ammunition we had."

Now, is that just about the all-time greatest answer or what!

The Coroner also reported that the illegal alien died of natural causes. When asked by a reporter how that could be, since there were 68 bullet wounds in his body, he simply replied(BEST QUOTE ever) . .. ... "When you are shot 68 times you are naturally gonna die."

Polk County Florida Sheriff - "You kill a policeman it means no Miranda negotiations...nothing but as many bullets as we can shoot into you...PERIOD.

True Event28 September 2006, Polk County Deputy Doug Speirs killed

Friday, September 19, 2014

Monster Black Hole Discovery

Dwarf Galaxy Monster Black Hole Discovery

Hey: I have one of these permanently located in my Galaxy 
"the inside of my Wallet" my DSP Pension within seconds of entry disappears into this black hole; never to be seen fortnightly

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Don't minimise the efforts of People:
Maybe your expectation is unrealistic

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

I'm Doing it My Way - WHY?

Hebrews 12:1(ESV)
12 ..., let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

I ask you Seriously 
"What in Hell is there that you would want. 
Hells 'fine print' be sure to read

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Together, we can stare down this Abbott Budget



Tomorrow marks 100 days since Tony Abbott and the Coalition revealed their true colours to the nation. 
Many of us suspected it, and the Budget confirmed our worst fears: having lied to win power, the new Government’s real agenda was to create an unfair Australia for the privileged few. 
That’s not the Australia I believe in. It’s not the Australia Labor believes in. And I know it’s not the Australia you believe in. 
And over these past 100 days, you have proved how hard you’re willing to fight Abbott’s unfair Budget: over 113,000 of you have signed petitions, from the GP tax to education cuts to ABC funding, and thousands attended rallies against the Budget. Volunteers have made over 38,000 phone calls to voters informing them of the damage the Budget would wreak, and you have donated tens of thousands of dollars to air TV ads doing the same. 
Thank you.
We still have much to do if we are to stand in the way of Tony Abbott’s backward vision for an Australia that destroys the fair go, but thanks largely to your efforts we are already well under way.
It has been a truly amazing community response. And a sorely needed one: if we do nothing when our schools and hospitals are slashed, and our pensioners, job seekers, students and parents are cast aside, then the whole nation suffers. 
When we stand together, when we speak with one voice, we can defeat this Government’s extreme ideological agenda. 
Our fight has only just begun. As long as Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey, Chris Pyne and their colleagues are in power, our fundamental Australian values are under threat.
We know that together, we can stare down this Budget. Thanks for helping prove that, and I look forward to fighting the good fight with you as we continue into the next 100 days. 
Thanks for standing with me on this,

Donate Twitter Facebook 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Good intentions

Life's full of good intentions.  They are not the same as achieving the intentions.

Results Speak Words with meaning.
Promises unfulfilled are actually lies realized.

2014 People Today

This surely is today's generation.  Those who want God mostly want Him on Their Terms. ...

Seriously: this may come as a shock to many.

He is GOD and they are not!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Most ridiculous things to appear on resumes
Below are some of the most 
ridiculous things people have 
put on their resumés:

  • “Donated over three gallons of blood in my lifetime.”
  • “I have a garage which rivals Iron Man for the purpose of building prototypes.”
  • “My last client called me a god, so that was award enough.”

  • “Entertain co-workers with wit and ability to eat large quantities of Siracha.”
  • “Saying yes to everything and regretting it later.”

  • “2008-2011 — Self-employed — Illegal drug sales.”
  • “Domestic engineer: Supervisory duties over 3 subordinates and 1 manager.”
  • “I am a Jedi Master of software development.”
  • “Plenty.”

  • “Hanging out with friends, watching old movies, online shopping at work.”
  • “Watching Food Network, playing softball and sketching SpiderMan.”

  • “Gossipping.”

  • “To be able to wear feathers to work. Appropriately, of course.”
  • “To become a billionaire.”
  • “To find an office where I can enjoy great coffee, snacks, conversation and humour. This helps my productivity immensely.”

  • “I have incredibly entertaining hair.”
  • “My employment is not up for grabs to the highest bidder.”

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Kind Hearted Scotsman

A Scot and his English wife walked past a swanky new restaurant.

"Did you smell that food?" she said, "It
s wonderful, shall we?"

Being the 'Kind Hearted Scotsman', he thought,

"What the heck, I'll treat her."

So they walked past it again.....

Acknowledgement: Thanks to my Brother in NZ

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Stop wondering why

They're not happy in Gaza ...
They're not happy in Egypt ...
They're not happy in Libya ...
They're not happy in Morocco ...
They're not happy in Iran ...
They're not happy in Iraq ...
They're not happy in Yemen ....
They're not happy in Afghanistan ....
They're not happy in Pakistan ...
They're not happy in Syria ...
They're not happy in Lebanon ...


They're happy in Australia ...
They're happy in Canada ..
They're happy in England ...
They're happy in France ..
They're happy in Italy ..
They're happy in Germany ...
They're happy in Sweden ..
They're happy in the USA ...
They're happy in Norway ..
They're happy in Holland ...
They're happy in Denmark ...

Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!


Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.

AND THEN - They want to change those countries to be like,

Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...
How damn dumb can you get?

Stop wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.

Lets have a look at the evidence:
- No Christmas
- No television
- No nude women
- No football
- No pork chops
- No hot dogs
- No burgers
- No beer
- No bacon
- Rags for clothes
- Towels for hats
- Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower
- More than one wife
- More than one mother-in-law
- You can't shave
- Your wife can't shave
- You can't wash off the smell of donkeys
- You cook over burning camel shit
- Your wife is picked by someone else for you
- and your wife smells worse than your donkey
- Then they tell them that "when they die, it all gets better"???

Well No kidding Sherlock!....
It's not like it could get much worse!

acknowledgement: Thanks PK 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Sow/Reap; Karma; Paying it Forward

Sow/Reap; Karma; Paying it Forward

For every Action there is an Reaction: 

Prov. 19:17 English Standard Version (ESV)

17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
    and he will repay him for his deed.

When and What is all thats left


Sow/Reap; Karma; Paying it Forward

Sow/Reap; Karma; Paying it Forward

For every Action there is an Reaction: 

Prov. 14:31 English Standard Version (ESV)

31 Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker,
    but he who is generous to the needy honors him.
When and What is all thats left


Sow/Reap; Karma; Paying it Forward

Sow/Reap; Karma; Paying it Forward

For every Action there is an Reaction: 

Prov. 21:13 English Standard Version (ESV)

13 Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor
    will himself call out and not be answered.
When and What is all thats left